First Apartment!

Hey loves,

I have some wonderful news! I will soon be moving into my first apartment, well outside of college, at the least. I'm so excited because as much as love being able to stay at home, I feel like it hinders me. It's too safe, and I'm getting too comfortable. 

I have always loved being active and going after what I want, but I now I feel like I am becoming lazy and complacent. I don't have that fire under me anymore. So, now it's time to be a big girl and move out of mommy's house. 

Well first things first, let the apartment hunt commence! 




Posted on August 24, 2015 and filed under Me Time, Lifestyle.

First Quarter

I cannot believe I let this much time go by without posting about my first quarter at SCAD. I took Drawing I and Speaking of Ideas. I was anxious and nervous about starting because first of all, I couldn't draw, and second, I hate speaking in public. Great way to start the first quarter!

If you could see me now, you couldn't believe I was the same person that could barely hold a pencil. I cannot express how happy I am that I made the decision to attend SCAD and it is worth every penny! Well, sometimes I have my moments.

Later, I'll post some pictures so that you can see my progress and development over time. Gotta make sure they look professional, know what I mean...

Thanks for being a part of my journey!

Until next time...



p.s. If you check out my About page, there is a picture I took while down in Savannah back in March before I started classes. Definitely had to stop by SCAD!



Posted on August 18, 2015 and filed under Lifestyle, Design.

Digital Day at ADAC

Hey loves,

Just a quick update about Digital Day that I was able to attend back in February. It was fun and full of helpful tips and advice from people in the industry.  Definitely learned a thing or two. 

Some of the tips I jotted down were: 

  1. Great photography matters!
  2. Have business cards that reflect you.
  3. When beginning a blog, start at a comfortable pace (ie. once a week, twice a month, etc.) and then build from there.
  4. Personalize your about me section, say HI!
  5. Facebook allows you to be more local and target people in your city.

Unfortunately the last session was cancelled due to inclement weather. I was looking forward to hearing all the sessions.

Also, this was taking place during the design bloggers conference and was complementary to the public, so you know I was one of the first to sign up! I was not able to attend the design bloggers conference because quite frankly it just wasn't in my budget, but trust when 2016 rolls around, I will be there full swing!

Alright, let me hear about your experiences attending conferences geared toward your passions!  

Until next time...



Posted on April 22, 2015 and filed under Design.

All White Everything

Good day my loves, 

Unfortunately, I have been sick over the past couple of weeks and definitely have been spending time regaining my energy and strength. And during that time, I have been swept off my feet by so many lovely rooms that incorporate whites and neutrals. I just feel like this color combo is so cozy and relaxing, and makes the room feel airy and spacey. I'm officially convinced that my next room will definitely include this color scheme. 

Just wait on it...

I've included some pics that have put me on cloud 9 and made me wish I could just climb into them and cuddle in the blankets with my tea (don't forget the honey and lemons)! 


via Pinterest
via Pinterest
via Pinterest

And let me not forget about this closet! Look at that view!

via Domaine

Hope you enjoyed these beautiful images as much as I did. Let me know what your favorite color schemes are!

Until next time...



Posted on April 19, 2015 and filed under Design.


“It’s ok not to know exactly what you want to do or who you want to be, so don’t let the fear of uncertainty stop you from learning, trying new things, and most importantly failing.”
— Lauren Overholser

Hey lovely people,

So yesterday was my 25th birthday, and I can say leading up to it, I pretty much had a quarter life crisis. I was unsure about where life was leading me, confused, wondering why I am not one of those people who have it all figured out, and just feeling like I have to start over. One of the things that were constantly on my mind was, "Where would I be if I would of just pursued my passion from the very beginning, where would I be in life right now, how far would I have got?" 

I spoke with one of my best friends last night and she definitely gave me the reassurance that I needed. I am on the right track, I am brave and going after my dreams despite all odds. Many people in life don't know exactly who they want to be or where the should be. Then I came across the quote above on The Everygirl and I realized I was just beating myself up. I truly believe everything happens in the way God has intended, and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I have a plan and I am taking it one step at a time.



Posted on February 10, 2015 and filed under Lifestyle, Me Time.