Posts filed under Lifestyle

First Apartment!

Hey loves,

I have some wonderful news! I will soon be moving into my first apartment, well outside of college, at the least. I'm so excited because as much as love being able to stay at home, I feel like it hinders me. It's too safe, and I'm getting too comfortable. 

I have always loved being active and going after what I want, but I now I feel like I am becoming lazy and complacent. I don't have that fire under me anymore. So, now it's time to be a big girl and move out of mommy's house. 

Well first things first, let the apartment hunt commence! 




Posted on August 24, 2015 and filed under Me Time, Lifestyle.

First Quarter

I cannot believe I let this much time go by without posting about my first quarter at SCAD. I took Drawing I and Speaking of Ideas. I was anxious and nervous about starting because first of all, I couldn't draw, and second, I hate speaking in public. Great way to start the first quarter!

If you could see me now, you couldn't believe I was the same person that could barely hold a pencil. I cannot express how happy I am that I made the decision to attend SCAD and it is worth every penny! Well, sometimes I have my moments.

Later, I'll post some pictures so that you can see my progress and development over time. Gotta make sure they look professional, know what I mean...

Thanks for being a part of my journey!

Until next time...



p.s. If you check out my About page, there is a picture I took while down in Savannah back in March before I started classes. Definitely had to stop by SCAD!



Posted on August 18, 2015 and filed under Lifestyle, Design.


“It’s ok not to know exactly what you want to do or who you want to be, so don’t let the fear of uncertainty stop you from learning, trying new things, and most importantly failing.”
— Lauren Overholser

Hey lovely people,

So yesterday was my 25th birthday, and I can say leading up to it, I pretty much had a quarter life crisis. I was unsure about where life was leading me, confused, wondering why I am not one of those people who have it all figured out, and just feeling like I have to start over. One of the things that were constantly on my mind was, "Where would I be if I would of just pursued my passion from the very beginning, where would I be in life right now, how far would I have got?" 

I spoke with one of my best friends last night and she definitely gave me the reassurance that I needed. I am on the right track, I am brave and going after my dreams despite all odds. Many people in life don't know exactly who they want to be or where the should be. Then I came across the quote above on The Everygirl and I realized I was just beating myself up. I truly believe everything happens in the way God has intended, and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I have a plan and I am taking it one step at a time.



Posted on February 10, 2015 and filed under Lifestyle, Me Time.

Dreams Do Come True...

“A creative [wo]man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others...”
— Ayn Rand

I know...I know...I have been MIA for quite some time. One thing led to another and then before I knew....weeks had gone by without me posting anything. I determined to get back on track, get focused, and stop being lazy! Those are definitely my goals from now and so forth.

On another note, the main reason why I want to write this post is definitely to update you on what I have been getting prepared for. Last time I spoke of going back to school was in a previous post HERE. Well...I am definitely pleased to say that I have received my acceptance letter from the Savannah College of Art and Design, SCAD for short, and will be starting my new path beginning March 2015. Yes, just about two months away and I am ecstatic! 

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to definitely have you guys join me while I explore this new direction that life has taken me, and this acceptance has definitely got the ball rolling. I am happy that I have come such a long way and I am actually brave enough to share my experiences with you all. This will be an amazing journey and I hope that it inspires at least one person out there who gets the chance to read this.

Until next time...



Posted on January 12, 2015 and filed under Design, Lifestyle.

Room Tour

Like I promised, more room pics! I knew I would get a little trigger happy as soon as a new camera came along. I am still working on getting pictures for my gallery wall and I still need to put my curtains up, but other than has come a long way. Now if someone could tell me where to find a cream and gold lamp. Enjoy!

Click to enlarge images :)

I love how it came together. Normally, my rooms have always been on the more neutral side, so to have all this color in my life was definitely out of the box for me. I love it!'s a very cool thing to be a smart girl.

I'll be giving details on all my sources in a future post. Gotta get them all together.

Can't wait to hear what you all think!

