Posts filed under Design

Room Tour Preview

Bedroom Preview

I feel like it has been so long since my last post, but work has been hectic and crazy. Now that I finally have some downtime, I can get back to what I love. I am so excited about the amount of progress I have made on my bedroom. It is crazy to think of what it used to look like and where it is now. On a side note, I really need to remember to take some before and afters and maybe even some durings, just so I can really keep track of my progress. In addition, I really want a good camera to take some great pics because this Galaxy S5 is just not cutting it for me. Hmph.

I have been to so many stores, many of which include: Target, IKEA, Pier 1, Macy's, and Hobby Lobby. I can admit I have been going crazy over finding items for my room and a little obsessed with Hobby Lobby, especially in preparation of my gallery wall. I cannot wait to get everything up and see the final results. And last but not least, I need to put up some window treatments and I think I have found the perfect ones! 

A recent update is that I have began my intro to interior design class this past Monday at New York School of Interior Design. It is an online course, but I think it will definitely be a great head start into the interior design field and get my feet wet a little bit. All it is really doing is making me more anxious to get started. But patience is a virtue and it will definitely be worth the wait!

Toodles and enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Posted on September 13, 2014 and filed under Design.


a few of the schools I have been researching...and have the brochure for ;)

I'm guessing you all figured out my big secret!? Yes, you guessed it, I want to go back to school for Interior Design!

Whew....who knew there were so many interior design programs out there. SOOOO many options and things to consider, such as, location, housing, cost, and whether I want to do a bachelor's or master's. With the programs beginning approximately this time next year, and deadlines rolling around the beginning of 2015, it's time to buckle down and start preparing for the application process. That definitely means I need to start narrowing down programs and schools that I will be applying to.


Next steps on my to-do list:

  1. Narrow down schools to a top 5
  2. Begin application process
  3. Tour a few, hopefully!
  4. Begin writing essays
  5. Notify references for reference letters


I am still wrapping my head around all of this but I am so excited!

I'll keep you all posted, thanks for reading!



Posted on August 25, 2014 and filed under Design.