Room Tour Preview

Bedroom Preview

I feel like it has been so long since my last post, but work has been hectic and crazy. Now that I finally have some downtime, I can get back to what I love. I am so excited about the amount of progress I have made on my bedroom. It is crazy to think of what it used to look like and where it is now. On a side note, I really need to remember to take some before and afters and maybe even some durings, just so I can really keep track of my progress. In addition, I really want a good camera to take some great pics because this Galaxy S5 is just not cutting it for me. Hmph.

I have been to so many stores, many of which include: Target, IKEA, Pier 1, Macy's, and Hobby Lobby. I can admit I have been going crazy over finding items for my room and a little obsessed with Hobby Lobby, especially in preparation of my gallery wall. I cannot wait to get everything up and see the final results. And last but not least, I need to put up some window treatments and I think I have found the perfect ones! 

A recent update is that I have began my intro to interior design class this past Monday at New York School of Interior Design. It is an online course, but I think it will definitely be a great head start into the interior design field and get my feet wet a little bit. All it is really doing is making me more anxious to get started. But patience is a virtue and it will definitely be worth the wait!

Toodles and enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Posted on September 13, 2014 and filed under Design.