In Progress...

So I’ve clearly neglected this website over the last four years to the point where I have let it deactivate and disappear off the web. Honestly, I’m not going to lie…I forgot about it. I’ve been through a lot and I am now at a point where I have been doing a ton of reflection. Mostly, thanks to COVID and taking some time away from work. I feel this site will go through a major update to eventually fit with the phase of life I am in. In the meantime, let me at least fix these broken links!

I like to see my life as ever-evolving, always in progress, and never quite perfect. As I navigate these experiences and figure out who I am at this point in time, I am enjoying the journey wherever it takes me. What I’m searching for is probably right around the corner, but patience is also not my strong suit. Isn’t that the beauty of life? Loving the unknown just as much as the known, and all the things you learn along the way. As a reminder, I’m going to try not to be too hard on myself.

I want to restart this site because it is really important to me that I start to document my journey, my thoughts, my work….everything because so much has happened over the years. I just have collections of notes, dreams, and projects just floating all over the place and they need a home. I have learned so much and worked on a variety of projects that I would like to share with the world. Will you join me…again?



Posted on June 16, 2020 and filed under Me Time.