Posts filed under Lifestyle

New Camera!

Meet the new addition in my life!

Yes! I am sooooo in love with my new camera, you have no idea. Remember in my previous post Room Tour Preview,  I mentioned wanting a camera to take better pics.  After weeks of research, I finally decided on the Canon T5i. I'm only taking pictures in auto mode but the quality is nothing I can compare to my current camera on the Galaxy S5. Over time, I will be learning the features of this camera and the basics of photography, so I can get creative and really create those breath-taking pics. 

Let's see what pictures I come up with! ;)

Leave a comment below!




Posted on October 26, 2014 and filed under Lifestyle.

Weekend Recap

This weekend was very much needed. Since I am more of a homebody, I love to be at home, but...every once in a while, I do want to go out and socialize. So here's a little recap of my weekend that I wanted to share with you guys!


While I was at Georgia Southern, I joined a professional business fraternity named Delta Sigma Pi. So a lot of these people became much more than just members of the fraternity, they became my family. I would never trade moments that we have shared together, and it is always a joy to get to see them again!

I Love My Bruhs!



I had such a blast at SCAD Day on Saturday. I was able to design my day exactly the way I wanted it to be. I sat in a few workshops, took a tour of the facility, and spoke with my admissions advisor. I was so excited to be there that it didn't occur to me to take any pics, but I do have a few pics of the SCAD Pads that I was able to view. Basically, these micro homes fit in the size of a parking space! Amazing, isn't it? It is definitely a wonderful movement that I wish to become a part of and I encourage you to visit their website at  Click to view larger pics. Enjoy! 

And last but definitely not least. My best friend flew down from Philadelphia to celebrate her birthday and I am so glad I was able to share it with her! Happy Birthday Dana!!!

WHOOOHOOOO!!!!  Go Dana! 

Great weekend I must say!

What do you enjoy doing on your weekend adventures? Leave a comment below!

Enjoy your day!



Posted on October 20, 2014 and filed under Lifestyle.

Every blogger has their first post...right?

cute little planner from MamaMiss Designs

If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough...
— Lowell Lundstrum

I am officially welcoming you to my new blog! Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy every second of this journey as I do.

I must be honest...this endeavor is completely new to me and I definitely have many reservations about putting myself out there for the world to see, but I must say, this will be an enjoyable experience and I cannot wait to begin this new phase in my life with you!

One of the main reasons I am creating this blog (yes, it is still a work in progress at this moment in time lol) is because this is a very pivotal time in my life. I recently had a midlife crisis...rather 20 years too soon, but my life did come to a serious halt. The career path I had chosen was not meant for me. After working six months in IT consulting (something I thought I would do for the rest of my life), I woke and kept thinking to myself this can't possibly be it. I cannot see myself doing this for the rest of my life, heck not even for the next 5 years. So I decided to make a change and really explore what will be the most fulfilling and joyful path for me, and you know what I decided.....

Tune in to my next journal entry as I explain what I have decided and the next steps on my to-do list to getting there!

P.S. there is a big hint to what it will be...look up!

Let me know what you think ;)



Posted on August 18, 2014 and filed under Lifestyle.